Thursday, October 23, 2008




Cancel said...

For the art thing I'm doing a picture of my feelings about So You Want to be a Writer by Charles Bukowski.

Sam Holland said...

MJ what if the my senior pictures dont come in by friday. I took them last week and they said it would take a week and they still havent came yet!. what do i do?

A-squared said...

heyy so i had one of your members on yearbook staff take my senior pics after schoool on thursday and she said she was gunna email them to me and i could choose which one then i could send it to you and guess what...she didn't email them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i don't have her cell one number or anythin..but dude your proball at the school right now cuz its like 1 oh clock so maybe u could like check on the uh computer in the computer lab...or else like i don't know what to do well carla took some and i think she sent one to you where my hair looks red...but i kinda wanted to see the other ones that that other girl took of me also so im not really sure but geez laweeez i just freakin wrote a really long run on sentence. k im done now what should i do?

Matthelawlasaur said...

collin, jordan hash, and matt D.-
we're all changing our song to
Jesus Christ by Brand you probably know...

not wonderwall by oasis anymore.
and we do have a reason for changing's about the painting in your room...and we all liked it and inspired me, Matt D. Anderson, to play this song instead of writing about my brick, wonderwall.

Megan said...

UMMMM i totally forgot to post my senior quote so i guess your gona like choose one for me..but if youre not then you could maybe use this one
"I don't remember how we happened to meet each other. I don't remember who got along with whom first. All I can remember is all of us together...always."
"Best friends are better than boyfriends."
Whichever one u think would be best :)

Faith said...


I am changing my art project to an aesthetic response to "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." I'm going to paint what came to my mind when I read it. Is that ok?


jthorson said...

Hey mj,

ive decided to change my project to billy collins piece,the wallflower. I am going to take a board and put a salt and pepper shaker on it holding hands because it made me think about it alot once we read it.


angela said...

If it's ok, I'd like to change my project to a picture responding to "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell". The picture makes me think about the perilous path mentioned in The Argument.


jthorson said...

my senior quote is gonna be "lives a garden, dig it" - Joe Dirt

Matthelawlasaur said...
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Matthelawlasaur said...

New Senior Quote-

Duff: "What's this?"

Elaine: "It's Gruyeres's good."

Duff: "Really is it good? Is it mild & nutty yet piquant in flavor, aged for 2 years and named after the Gruyeres district in Switzerland? I happen to know where Gruyeres is Elaine. I've been to Gruyeres."

Elaine: "Gruyeres in France."

Duff: "Whatever Elaine."